
We do not accept compromise when it comes to the quality and promptitude of our work.

We believe that professional excellence implies more than just the highest academic acumen. Professionals in the area of White-Collar Crime need to master professional norms, through constant exposure to high level practice, as well as through constant professional training. And they need to understand well how the system works, how those involved think, to have a positive and professional relationship with the relevant actors, to understand which are the realistically attainable goals; and to navigate well through the multiple „goalposts” that may appear – and they generally do appear– in complex cases.

To deliver flawless professional service to our clients and partners, our way of working implies contracting an optimal volume of cases, to allow the necessary time and attention to our entire caseload, as well as contracting only those cases regarding which we believe we can bring added value to improving our clients’ legal situation.

Albu Morar law office includes a nucleus of professionals who are part of the pioneers of the practice of White-Collar Crime in Romania, as this practice is now understood.

The members of our team have, put together, tens of years of professional experience. We come for diverse professional environments, starting with business law, in major international and local law firms, and going to business crime law, practiced for a long time and at the highest professional level. This experience is complemented by very solid academic acumen.

Our legal assistance is focused on cases with a high degree of sophistication, usually investigated at the level of the Prosecution Office by the High Court of Cassation and Justice (PICCJ), the National Anticorruption Department (DNA), the Department for Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT), but also at the level of the other prosecution offices. We argue cases before the High Court of Cassation and Justice (ICCJ), the Romanian Constitutional Court (CCR), as well as before the other courts of law. Our case portofolio also includes legal assistance before regulatory and control authorities, such as the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF), its Romanian correspondent, the Anti-Fraud Department (DLAF), the National Tax Administration Agency (ANAF), the National Integrity Agency (ANI), the local Financial Intelligence Unit – the National Office for Combating Money Laundering (ONPCSB) etc.

In addition to the legal assistance before national authorities, our lawyers are regularly involved, as lead counsel or local co-counsel to prestigious international law firms, in cases related to our area of expertise and in international proceedings, including extradition, mutual legal assistance to collect evidences (in relation to countries such as USA, Austria, Switzerland, Netherlands, Spain, GB, Cyprus), investigations and international arbitrations (in relation to the European Anti-Fraud Office – OLAF, the International Center for Settlement of Investment related Disputes – ICSID, the European Court for Human Rights – ECHR/CEDO, issues relevant for the purposes of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act – FCPA, etc.).

The vast experience made available to our clients comes from a very diverse caseload, concerning international investment funds, industrial equipment suppliers, local, regional and global oil companies, constructions and infrastructure international companies, global pharma companies, utilities companies, international consultancy companies, international and local food industry companies, regional communications companies, regional real estate investment funds, european and global banking groups, local and regional IT companies, individuals with shareholding and executive business positions, as well as politically exposed persons.

As such, we have established Albu Morar law office, in which you will find lawyers who are truly specialized in White-Collar Crime defense, with diverse backgrounds, multidisciplinary and complementing competencies, knowledgeable in criminal law, criminal procedure, but also in the „extra-criminal” practice areas that form the substance of our cases – financial and fiscal law, administrative law, public office legislation, public procurements, community law, european funding, civil, commercial, corporate and banking law, etc.

Moreover, we work closely with the most reputed specialists – both academics and the top-notch professional firms – in the expert/forensic areas relevant to our field, such as technical, financial, accounting, forensic, etc. So that you have the option to make the best choice to improve your legal situation.



On a „Richter scale” of issues that may affect a business or a person, involvement in criminal proceedings is certainly close to a „seismic maximum”.

We know all too well that white-collar crime cases have crucial stakes: personal freedom, professional, personal, and family life, one’s business, image, social status and, sometimes, even one’s health.

We, therefore, understand that what we need to offer our clients is safety. That we do understand that we were entrusted with some of the highest stakes of those who honoured us with their trust. And the safety that we will act accordingly, with full knowledge and respect of this choice.

Our philosophy is to allocate the time, attention, and dedication needed to fully understand the problem confronting our client, to explore possible solutions, and to stay in touch at all times with the evolution and developments of the case.

Therefore, we are contracting only those cases in which, based on our estimation of the achievable stakes, we can agree with our clients on those solutions and the way to reach them. After which, with the allocation of all needed resources and with determination, we will make everything possible to reach the optimum result.

This our firm promise to those who honour us by entrusting us with some of the most important aspects of their life, business, activity, and career.