The Romanian White-Collar Crime Law Association was created by reputable professionals in the field, to popularize white-collar crime as a branch of business law, with the role, among others, of training and promoting a culture of prevention and a healthy business environment.


Gabriel Albu, Managing Partner Albu Morar and one of ARDPA’s founders, states for Editura Universul Juridic: “Classical criminal law is predominantly a reactive discipline, illegal things happen and then we have pending cases. White-collar crime is an area of practice, I would say, less a branch of law, that involves a reactive activity, as well as a proactive, preventive one, the compliance part. In addition, white-collar crime is an area of practice which is mainly dedicated to economic activity, to business activity. If you were to ask me, I would prefer to categorize this field of practice as being under the bigger umbrella of business law, rather than criminal law itself. Because, once again, one of the fundamental components of the white-collar crime practice does not belong to criminal law per se, as it includes the reactive activity, as well as prevention activity, advisory analysis of the business environment in avoiding compliance and criminal law risks”.


The entire interview can be accessed here.